Products - LIVE Lasersystems Development & Products

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Own developed and trusted products only.
Let's set the records straight. It is nearly impossible to manufacture all laser relevant products by yourself. At least it would not be economical at all. That's the point where our network of high-grade component suppliers come in. You will find high-quality components only on our website. The simple reason for this is that we use high-quality parts in our laser projectors too - no compromise possible.
EVIL lasers or LIVE Lasersystems?
One might think that EVIL lasers is a separate company. That was indeed the case some years ago. Nevertheless, LIVE Lasersystems was always in the back, developing and producing their products. Some time ago, we decided to merge both companies, or better, LIVE Lasersystems shall include EVIL lasers. Therefore EVIL lasers is now a brand by LIVE Lasersystems, and KORE laser projectors are the new successor of Ghost lasers. Since then, a lot has changed, and KORE laser projectors became a high-grade series with certain features one might not find in other laser projectors (KORE AIS, ColorDRIVE diode drivers, extreme temperature handling).
Products for experimental setups
Our website features our most popular products. Nevertheless, we have much more to offer. Specialized optics, mechanics, or electronics that may not be used daily are also part of our stock. Otherwise, it would not be possible for us to play and experiment by ourselves. ;-)
If you are looking for something specific, make sure you have asked us for assistance before considering it to be not available at LIVE Lasersystems.

Contact us by sending an e-mail or giving us a call: or +43 (0) 1 944 2883
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