KORE AIS Bridging Adapter - LIVE Lasersystems Development & Products

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KORE AIS Bridging Adapter
Every KORE comes with a AIS Bridging Adapter. This is a spare part for lost or damaged adapters.

The KORE AIS Bridging Adapter is meant to be used for maintenance or special applications where a emergency stop is not an option.

Please note that the use of the bridging adapter is not compliant with EN 60825-1 and ÖNORM S 1105.

The KORE AIS bridging adapter is not compatible to any other laser manufacturer's system and vice versa.
XLR 3pin female
Article in Shop
KORE Accessories
Advanced Interlock System Bridging Adapter for KORE usage without emergency stop box.
20,00 €(MwSt. excl.)
Compatible Accessories
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