Die Angestellten - LIVE Lasersystems Service & Rental

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Die Angestellten
"Die Angestellten" is a visual poem about labour/work in the 22nd century.

For his interpretation of "Die Angestellten", director Alexander Giesche had the idea of a liquid sky that spreads into the auditorium of the Volkstheater. The architecture of the parquet presented a major challenge here. Minimum heights could not be adhered to and so a solution had to be found that was safe but still clearly visible. In close collaboration with independent experts, we developed a custom version of our KORE series and were able to create an impressive experience that is safe for all spectators - even if they look directly into the laser beams.
Die Angestellten” will run for the entire 2024 season at the Volkstheater. Dates and tickets can be found on the Volkstheater Wien website.

Date: Season 2024
Location: Volkstheater, Vienna, Austria
Equipment: 2x KORE 10, 3x KORE Custom (with custom lens)
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