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Laser Beacon - LIVE Lasersystems Service & Rental

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Laser Beacon

We can attract attention on a grand scale: newspaper reports about UFO sightings and "remarkebly parallel beams in the clouds" attest to this. "Laser beaconing" or also known as skybeams, sky spotlights, searchlight effect, etc. describes, in our opinion, attracting attention through the use of laser technology. The special beam characteristics of lasers are ideal for sending sharp beams of light over long distances. The target can be the sky, clouds, but also neighboring mountains or sights. With individual, stationary laser beams, we can impressively highlight buildings and other objects.


When we use lasers to attract attention, it is ideally only because of the good visibility and not because of any accidents. For this reason, we work closely with independent experts in laser technology and air traffic control to exclude all possible dangers. Laser beams with a power class that allows them to be seen from a greater distance are ALWAYS dangerous. Thanks to our years of expertise with laser radiation in both urban and rural areas, we are your reliable and, above all, professional partner in the field of laser beaconing.


Laser beams become visible through particles in the air. In the worst case, we only have the air humidity and pollution (fine dust) as a supporting medium. Ideally, it is slightly foggy, raining or snowing. So what is a curse for many is a blessing for this type of laser use. However, since weather is difficult to plan, we always assume the worst case and dimension our equipment accordingly. All photos on this page were taken in "normal" air conditions.


No matter how often we shoot our more powerful lasers into the night sky, even for us it is an impressive image every time. It is even more beautiful when there is a synergy between the laser and the object being highlighted. For its 10th anniversary, Austria's tallest building allowed itself to be extended into the sky for one evening with our help.

Projecting onto clouds?

Can we project into the sky? Sure. Do we offer it to our customers? Very reluctantly, or "no". Of course, we have projected one or two Batman logos onto clouds in a private setting. Nevertheless, we have more than a stomachache when we tell our customers that this would be an option for them too. The reasons are as extensive as they are deadly: a large, ideally even cloud cover is required, good air conditions and little light emission from the surrounding area. Furthermore, we naturally have to obtain approval from aviation authority. The logo/motif to be projected must be as simple as possible, because even with high laser power, any widening of the laser beam is a subtractive factor and thus directly linked to a loss of brightness. Since we may project onto a cloud cover, the projection is necessarily anamorphic. In other words: the logo only looks good from the perspective of the laser (and in the immediate vicinity <200m), after that the image "blurs".

In short: We offer many options for laser beaconing, but sky projections are probably the least convenient and the most difficult to plan.
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