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Laser Mappings - LIVE Lasersystems Service & Rental

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Laser Mappings

Ten years ago, we produced our first laser mapping internally as a proof of concept. At that time, with relatively rudimentary software support, we were definitely pioneers in this field. In the years that followed, the demand for laser mapping increased due to the 3D video mapping hype and we also implemented the first commercial laser mapping for customers.

A lot has happened since then; we have developed many solutions both technically and creatively and built up special know-how in the field that is second to none.

Scalable & Efficient

Projection size and distance are always in direct competition, which is why special know-how is often required in the conception phase. We cascade lasers, mask sensitive areas and find the best solution: technically as well as artistically.
You can also rely on our expertise when choosing the right laser power. As a Viennese company, listed buildings are no stranger to us. We will take care of your creative projection surfaces, we promise!

Content that suits you

We adapt the content to the context in which you want a laser mapping. Because mapping is not just mapping: contours are quickly drawn, but if you want to stand out, then Cinema4D and particle effects are no strangers to us.

Best in Combination

Laser mappings alone are impressive - but in combination with video mapping, completely new visual dimensions open up. Let our lasers "draw" the video projection or, for example, let us cut projected columns and windows with a "laser cut". The synchronized interaction is probably the top class of laser mapping. Together with friends from the visual/video industry, we have already successfully implemented such projects.

Your Brand: Staged

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