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Multimedia Shows - LIVE Lasersystems Service & Rental

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Multimedia Shows

Copyright Lumine Projections
The symbiosis of different media in atmospheric variety makes an experience even more memorable and impressive. Anyone who has ever seen a show in the Disney theme parks will know what we are talking about.
We have made it our mission to create exactly such experiences. Our team has all the know-how needed to implement exactly such multimedia shows.

Light, Laser, Video, SFX and Pyro

You, the customer, decide which media are appropriate. But the possibilities are virtually unlimited. We bring together the expertise of all these sectors to create ONE common symbiosis - ONE common experience.

The right Music

In a multimedia show, everything revolves around the music and its content. Only if the musical basement is right we can create the visual interpretation. Don't have any music? We'll be happy to help you choose or have a complete musical work produced especially for your show.

Repeated, optionally automated

A multimedia show can be designed as a one-off or as a permanent installation over several months or even years. We are happy to automate all show processes so that no staff is required to set it up. With long-term installations, we can also use remote maintenance to analyse and often solve most problems without having to travel to the site.

Lumagica light gardens rely on LIVE Lasersystems

One of our biggest customers for multimedia shows is the international light garden chain Lumagica. For years we have been designing unique multimedia shows every year exclusively for the respective light garden location. Since the light garden season usually lasts several months, all of our installations are fully automated and time-controlled. The operator does not need to worry about anything and can assume that his multimedia shows will start and stop on time every day and thus reliably impress his guests every day.
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